Jaswinder Bolina
At War with the Cynics
O, night! I’m too sad to sing
my petulant arias, I can’t stand
the sound of my own blubbering!
O, night, make me something
other than I am now mopey
though the chipper crickets
play leggy violins inside you,
the owls are stout concertinas
puffed up hooting as your zephyrs
xylophone across gator spines
in the glades, then rush up
to tease me in my bleak office
like bawdy ditties from faraway
festivals I’m not privy to!
O, night, I’m tired of talking
about myself, tell me more
about you with your blue
Neptunes and red Betelgeuses,
your eternities with too little
inside them! O, night, must I be
lonely and mad forever? At least
we have each other, O, night,
like the baby has his blankie
coiled all around him,.
but even the baby is tangled
up in my sorrow, O, night,
I have too much to love
and not long enough to love it!
O, night, make me something
other than I am in my incessant
glooming in the dappled dark
of Florida where the parrots roost dopey
in the bosoms of gumbo limbo
trees until squawking morning
when they brunch on maggots and seeds,
bomb lilied shits upon our sedans,
then soar off to Bimini!
Devorah Baum
Rebecca Priestley